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Preuss’s Red Colobus Density in Northern Korup National Park, Cameroon

  One of the best photos ever taken of Piliocolobus preussi. Photo by Alexandra Hofner

Alexandra Hofner, Spring 2016

A Multi-faceted Approach to Understanding Arboreal Primate Abundance and Local Perceptions and Livelihoods in a Protected Area. 

In studying Preuss’s red colobus (Piliocolobus preussi), Alexandra Hofner found that in one month 107 diurnal primates were killed by Ikenge hunters; Cerco’pithecus nictitans made up 41.9% of the reported offtake, C. mona 29.9%, C. erythrotis 12.2%, C. pogonias 12.2%, P. preussi 2.8%, and Mandrillus leucophaeus 1%. Alexandra suggests that because of steep population decreases in some primate species (such as P. preussi), Ikenge hunters may be targeting more abundant primates.

  Allie conducting an interview in Ikenge, Cameroon

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